
Turner_125.jpgFresh Paint?Joe sits on some freshly completed signery. Note the cans of yellow and red paint on the ground behind him.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_124.jpgCam Ranh Bay - BarracksNo doubt about it...these are the best barracks in the world...the ones you leave behind at Cam Ranh Bay. This was the most welcome sight you could ever see after spending a year in a jungle combat zone.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_122.jpgMar 31, 2009

Turner_115.jpgPleikuThe sights, sounds and (smells) of Pleiku.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_114.jpgGunshipAn armed Huey.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_109.jpgMarking RoundSmoke rounds were invaluable.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_108.jpgConvoy sightsNow the question is: Was is a toll booth or a lemonade stand?Mar 31, 2009

Turner_107.jpgMeeting?They're probably wondering who called this meeting.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_106.jpgVillageThe "city-fied" villages along a highway tend to show a little more construction skill.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_105.jpgMar 31, 2009

Turner_104.jpgConvoySights on a convoy.Mar 31, 2009

Turner_103.jpgHwy 1?Probably the highway between Qui Nhon and An Khe.Mar 31, 2009
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