The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
Ables7.jpgApr 07, 2009
Ables5.jpgBest Buddy Mike MedleyOne of his closest friends, Mike Medley, also in the FDC, holds his helmet with his name on it. Mike returned to the States and got a law degree from Ole Miss.Apr 07, 2009
Ables6.jpgApr 07, 2009
Ables4.jpgApr 07, 2009
Ables3.jpgApr 07, 2009
Ables2.jpgApr 07, 2009
Ables1.jpgBan Me ThoutGun Section smoke break! Far left: UNK from Puerto Rico, center is Top (liked cigars, good guy, too), Dewey Ball (middle, bare chest), cannoneer on the right (foot on trail) is Bob Brown.Apr 07, 2009
Dixon22.jpgO Tannenbaum?I'm on the left, Ken Fogel, middle, and at right was Zastrow, I recall. I believe he was shot on perimeter guard duty at Duc Pho, sent home and recovered later. A very likable fellow with a great sense of humor. I think he was from Wis/Minn area. I preferred to eat C's in the field- even often at Duc Pho/Montezuma. But in this case, somebody sent us canned goods from back home and we were FEASTING! I got hit with something from a truck that had exploded (probably from a booby trap) along the way. From that time on, I wore my flack jacket and steel pot... because those wonderful things are what absorbed whatever hit me and save my life! Here, as we eat from the cans, Fogel is attempting to teach us a song in German!
Apr 06, 2009
Dixon21.jpgCommo Dudes: Ready for anythingThe Duc Pho hill was off to the far right- out of the photo. These HQ battery commo fellows were PFC Hogan (left) and Sgt. Trainor. They were purposely looking tough here. We managed to somehow acquire a large stash of unusual "unauthorized" firearms (I had a bunch of them) and the PFC is holding what we fondly referred to as a "grease gun". The sarge was out of Texas as I recall.
Apr 05, 2009
Dixon21a.jpgMore Commo DudesA few more of our commo guys from HQ Batt in Duc Pho. On the left is "Philly" (from Philadelphia- we always called him "Philly"), PFC Hogan, Cpl Franklin and Sgt Ken Fogel (of Wis). Fogel was a great friend & stand-up guy to know if there ever was one. If you look verrrry closely you can see a sign just behind the tall head there that says "The Mighty Ninth 2/9th". There were two senior sergeants who oversaw the commo section and they slept in the hootch to the right of the photo with the carved supports. One of these was a Sgt Houston– the guy who'd always ask for "volunteers to go to Bn HQ". The other was a particularly disagreeable chap whose name I cannot recall.
Apr 05, 2009
Dixon13a.jpgPitching InGetting with the program...even us Commo guys!

Note the "macho" version of artillery ear plugs. No wonder we go deaf as seniors.
Apr 05, 2009
Dixon9.jpgTo my rescue...The Chinook touches down at LZ Liz...thank goodness!Apr 05, 2009
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