
Slide71.jpgBig TruckThe locals manage to domesticate the water buffalo and the elephants for their work purposes. Also, the enemy used them as truck-haulers.Sep 26, 2009

Slide09.jpgScenic FirebaseTake the high ground! It provides for a defensible base and a great view. Anyone know the cannoncockers here?Sep 26, 2009

Slide36.jpgInside the CONEXCheck this FDC out! Lotsa cool memories. Note the RDP fan at top left, a good look at the FADAC (center), a can of RISE shaving cream on the shelf, a standard GI flashlight clipped to the wall at right and a guy wondering (Dietrich) why you want to take his picture. That's Geary Burrows in the background.Sep 26, 2009

SM7.jpgThe ElephantsThis confirms J. William Ward's experience with elephants. {See his Photo Album} I remember the elephants coming into our "personal space". Note the aiming post at lower right.Sep 24, 2009

SM8.jpgThe ElephantsWhoever expected pachyderm visitors on Nam? Guess is the four-legged version of a Vietnamese Chinook.Sep 24, 2009

TS-71.JPGSlick ProtectionForgotten Fact: Many young men took immediate tour extensions if they were guaranteed jobs as Door Gunners. All riding and no walking.Sep 23, 2009

TS-70.JPGHuey ViewEveryone took photos at one time or another from a ride on a Huey.Sep 23, 2009

TS-69.JPGSep 23, 2009

TS-68.JPGView from the windowLotsa photos of Vietnam from the air. We'll never guess where.Sep 23, 2009

TS-67.JPGAir TaxiAlmost everyone took a photo of the pilot jockeys that kept the Huey slicks airborne.Sep 23, 2009

TS-65.JPGIn the fieldLarry KettnerSep 23, 2009

TS-66.JPGGroup PhotoLarry Kettner - Terry Savely - Olsen - Sadeler.
We didn't need Weight Watchers back then.Sep 23, 2009
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