The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Last additions
DK-New_Vietnam.JPGHA! I liked Vietnam so much that I created my own personal jungle here at home.
Actually, this is Don's backyard that he and wife Barb created over a period of several years and has won several awards from his home city of Bartlett, TN.
Aug 10, 2010
DJ-19.jpgLZ Montezuma - High Aerial ViewExcellent aerial shot of LZ Montezuma. South China Sea at top, 3rd Bde landing strip in center, and famous hill serving as backdrop. The US Marines first occupied this area before turning it over to the 3rd Bde in the Spring of 1967. It served as the HQ for the 2/9th for many months. Photo courtesy of CPT Don Parrish, (1/35 Inf Commo Officer).Jul 04, 2010
Dixon-77a.jpgNot availableA little malaria got in the way of playing bass for Martha Raye and her overseas tour.May 26, 2010
Dixon-77.jpgMilitary EntertainmentA "successful audition" is one thing; complying with para-3 is another. But, there's also a case of not being around to play, also.May 26, 2010
Dixon-74.jpgThe magic of AKAII purchased the red-hot Akai 1800-SD tape recorder that recorded 8-track tapes. The price back then was $238.May 26, 2010
Dixon-75.jpgAKAI makes The Army Times24Apr68 - Army Times does an article on the new Akai 1800-SD. This was like reading science fiction at the time. Bought one and sent it home. Can't tell you how many tapes I made after I got home....May 26, 2010
Dixon-76.jpgThe Magic SlotYep...that's where you stick the head of your 8-track cartridge and record YOUR choice of music. This was extremely "high tech" in its day. The machine is still around and working.May 26, 2010
B_Btry_firing_LZ_Lane_.jpgFire Mission!The men of "B" Battery work the howitzer on LZ Lane, just a couple of clicks from the Cambodian border and the site of many battles in Nov, 1967.Apr 02, 2010
General_Order_award.JPGBronze Star for heroismSgt Ray Delano honored for his actions in the battle of 13Nov66 at LZ Lane. This battle was a benchmark in the history of The Mighty Ninth.Apr 01, 2010
recovery_party_2.jpgLZ LaneAn excellent photo...makes you feel like you are there with them. Note the two ammo clips taped together and the smoke grenade on the web belt. Yep...that's men in the field.Apr 01, 2010
Rhodes-Delano.jpgFO PartyMike Rhodes poses with Ray Delano. Both served in Lt Munden's FO Party, supporting A/1/14 and are now in touch today. Small world, isn't it?Mar 31, 2010
LZ_Lane_13Nov67.jpgDangerous TerritoryEntering LZ Lane...just a couple of clicks from the Cambodian border and the scene of much fighting.Mar 31, 2010
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