
File_8-3.JPGBreak timeTaking time to smell the jungle.Sep 13, 2010

File_8-2.JPGThe children of warLocal villagers mingle with the troops. As we moved round and about, the kids and adults were either looking for "freebies" or were trying to sell you something.Sep 13, 2010

File_7-3.JPGHumping the bushJust about everyone carried smoke grenades.Sep 13, 2010

File_7-1.JPGGetting organizedSep 13, 2010

File_7-4.JPGHumping the bushSingle file patrol with the 1/14th. {UNKs}Sep 13, 2010

File_6-3.JPGThe Palm GroveSitting around the campfire.Sep 13, 2010

File_6-6.JPGJungle Subdivision?We stayed at the Palm Grove for a few days.Sep 13, 2010

File_6-4.JPGJungle Shelter{UNKs} at the Palm Grove location.Sep 13, 2010

File_6-5.JPGLanding on a clearingMuch better than most LZs.Sep 13, 2010

File_5-5.JPGThe Palm GroveAnother job to do.Sep 13, 2010

File_6-1.JPGA Soldier's GearSp4 Rick Ericksen lays it all out. You bring only what you can carry.Sep 13, 2010

File_6-2.JPGOutdoor facilitiesWorks for me. Note carefully: I learned to hold the mirror between my knees.Sep 13, 2010
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