The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Wald-42.JPGSleepy-eyedSp4 John Waldman relaxes on the trail after a morning "wake-up".Nov 20, 2010
Wald-39.JPGView from LZ CorralPhoto taken circa March, 1967.Nov 20, 2010
Wald-40.JPG#6 gun pitTaken at LZ Corral, this shot looks upward at the hill from the #6 gun pit. March, 1967.Nov 20, 2010
Wald-41.JPG"On the Way"Photo catches the perfect angle of recoil. Cpl John Kuntz is the Gunner and Sp4 John Waldman is the Asst Gunner. Fire mission in progress at LZ Corral. Note carefully the "ear protection" used by artillerymen. No wonder we're all deaf!Nov 20, 2010
Wald-38.JPGC-Rat timeCpl John Kuntz "enjoying" his C-rations. The trail of the howitzer serves as the "dinner setting". LZ Corral, early March, 1967.Nov 20, 2010
Wald-37.JPGBeautiful sightThere it all its glory...the 105mm howitzer, towed. In the background is Sp4 Whitman Jones. In the foreground is Sp4 Kurt Krabbe. Both men are listed on the 1Oct67 ""A" Battery roster. This is the #6 piece at LZ Corral.Nov 19, 2010
Wald-33.JPGLesson LearnedNever put a .50 cal machine gun on top of a bunker. You have to rebuild the bunker. PFC John Waldman test fires the 50-caliber and becomes part of the rebuilding crew.Nov 19, 2010
Wald-36.JPGCorporal John KuntzTaken at LZ Corral.Nov 19, 2010
Wald-35.JPGNo Dining Room chairsIt's standing room only at a typical gun section chow time. Taken at LZ Corral, March, 1967. L to R: PFC Johnson, PFC Hourigan, and Cpl John Kuntz.Nov 19, 2010
Wald-34.JPGFamiliar sightEarly morning fog, a misty fog, was quite a common site in the Nam mornings.
LZ Corral, March, 1967.
Nov 19, 2010
Wald-18.JPGPFC HouriganLZ Tip, Feb 67.Nov 18, 2010
Wald-32.JPGLZ Tip, Jan 67View from LZ Tip.Nov 18, 2010
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