
DY-1abc.JPGDon't Worry - we'll take good care of youA template of a letter sent to the parents of all incoming draftees for basic training.
How personal can you get?Aug 18, 2018

yates_6.JPGFinishedWell, I guess we're finished with that!Aug 18, 2018

yates_1.JPGEarly constructionThis is a reminder to redlegs coming later of how we started out. Note the 2/9th FA crest on the clapped-together shack behind me.Aug 18, 2018

yates_2.JPGMy bunkNote the folding cot, the air mattress, the beach sandals, and most importantly, my basketball.Aug 18, 2018

yates_3.JPGFamiliar?The trees have been knocked down and the supplies keep coming for....you guessed it...another firebase somewhere in Vietnam.Aug 18, 2018

yates_4.JPGMany hands make light workWe all knew what we had to do upon landing in a new LZ.Aug 18, 2018

yates_5.JPGSymbolic sandbags?Many units did this; a "half-wall" of sandbags. Some learned that it didn't even provide "half-protection" against a typical mortar attack.Aug 18, 2018

Christmas.jpegChristmas card in VietnamMany units came up with Christmas cards and some had Christmas menus also.Aug 12, 2018

Falkenstein_Uni.jpegCombat Medic, "A" BatterySp5 William Falkenstein's uniform. Promoted to Sp5.Jul 18, 2018

WF-Citation.JPGARCOM CitationSp4 William Falkenstein awarded the ARCOM medal for heroic actions at the battle of LZ St George, 5Nov69.Jul 18, 2018

WF-4.JPGCannoneers at LZ St GeorgeMessage from fellow Redleg Rick Ericksen: Nate: Fantastic, I even recognized some of the guys from my Gun Section. Jon/Kip Hansen, Steve Esona (AKA Pineapple), Wayne Wolf, who left to go out as a RTO later and was awarded a Bronze Star and a Silver Star for service above and beyond. I wish we could find him. He was from Philadelphia, PA. Also Cuckoo Mike, he’s the one of the pictures with the dark shades on. He was always buzzed, he was from California. This is a great story which brings us all back together one again. "A" Battery, The Mighty Ninth, 1969-70. We will always be a Band of Brothers eternally.
Jul 18, 2018

WF-3.JPGJul 17, 2018
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