
MH-54.JPGNews clipping - 100,000th Round firedBnCO LtCol Bruce Holbrook estimates the cost of firing 100,000 rounds. It was fired by BG Glenn D. WalkerAug 11, 2013

MH-53.JPGDigging inTaken along Hwy 19. Yep...looks like the locals learned to "dig in" or they got paid to fill sandbags.Aug 11, 2013

MH-51.JPGSightseeing on Hwy 19More sights along the highway.Aug 11, 2013

MH-52.JPGConferencePicture taken near Tea Plantation along Hwy 19. One of our guys huddles with the kids at lower right.Aug 11, 2013

MH-50.JPGSightseeing on Hwy 19Sights you see along Hwy 19.Aug 11, 2013

MH-49.JPGWriting homeWe knew him as "Playboy" and that he was from Arkansas.Aug 11, 2013

MH-36b.JPGUS TankUS medium tank, Vietnam 1966.Aug 11, 2013

MH-48.JPGMyselfThe picture may be beat to hell, but it's still me.Aug 11, 2013

MH-47.JPGDigging inThis is 1SG Wiley S. Taylor, C-2-9...setting the example by grabbing a shovel and digging in.Aug 11, 2013

MH-46.JPGThe Old and the NewThese are members of the DivArty staff. The Sergeant Major Henry, with the newest uniform, is at right. Meanwhile, you get a good trip down memory lane with the OD uniforms, the white cloth name tags and the later camouflaged name tags. The Sergeant Major, of course, is wearing the "uniform-to-be"...jungle fatigues and jungle boots.Aug 11, 2013

MH-45.JPGVietnamese familyA Vietnamese family living near Kontum.Aug 11, 2013

MH-44.JPGSpecial Forces CampWhat's left of a Special Forces Camp. 1966. It was overrun by the NVA.Aug 11, 2013
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