The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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MH-79.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea PlantationMonsoons were a part of doing business in Vietnam...muddy business.Aug 11, 2013
MH-78.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea PlantationWelcome to the monsoon season. Mud everywhere, roads useless. We were at the Tea Plantation when the monsoon hit.Aug 11, 2013
MH-73.JPGTwilightEvening sets in on another day in Vietnam. Many noticed the beautiful morning and evening skies seen in the Far East.Aug 11, 2013
MH-71.JPGLaundromatEnvironmentally safe, guaranteed to keep your uniforms very smelly.Aug 11, 2013
MH-31a.JPGBird DogBird Dog, near Tea Plantation, 1966.Aug 11, 2013
MH-70.JPGJanuary, 1966An APC catches a ride on a low-boy.Aug 11, 2013
MH-68.JPGGene LittleSp4 Gene R. Little working at Base Camp, 1966.Aug 11, 2013
MH-69.JPG155mm howitzersA convoy of 155mm howitzers.Aug 11, 2013
MH-65.JPGBird DogBird Dog on the airstrip. Looks like the soldier in the white tee shirt is running cable.Aug 11, 2013
MH-61.jpgTwenty DongThe value of 20 Dong in US currency today is 0.0009 cents. Well, it makes for a nice souvenir, though.Aug 11, 2013
MH-60.JPGWhat we didThis news item covers exactly what we did in the "early days" in 1966. Looking back, we can see how full of naivete we were in thinking this would be effective. Dealing with the locals became as much a part of the war as the war itself.Aug 11, 2013
MH-55.JPGEarly ArrivalsEverything about this photo tells you that these guys are the "early arrivals" from Hawaii.Aug 11, 2013
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