
mc-20.JPGFirst Shirt1SG James E. McPeek, "A" BatteryDec 07, 2013

mc-21.JPGCouchPFC Dennis J. Couch. He's the one who drove me into LZ Oasis the morning after the Mother's Day attack.Dec 07, 2013

mc-18.JPGJacobs & ChartersSp4 Dave "Jake" Jacobs and Sp4 Mark Charters at Camp Enari.Dec 07, 2013

mc-19.JPGCaptain BairdCaptain Robert D. Baird, Hq Service Battery. His name is on the Mess Hall sign.Dec 07, 2013

mc-17.JPGHqs Service Battery, Mess Hall at Camp EnariSp5 John O. Olson and Sp4 Herb C. Banks admiring the sign.Dec 07, 2013

mc-16.JPGHqs Service Battery, Mess Hall at Camp EnariSFC Willard Newell was the Mess Sergeant for "A" Battery.Dec 07, 2013

mc-15.JPGHqs Service Battery, Mess Hall at Camp EnariSp5 John O. Olson and Sp6 Bob McLaughlin holding up the Mess Hall sign.Dec 07, 2013

mc-14.JPGBoss ManCSM Howard B. Hughes; not related to the other Howard Hughes. He was the Command Sergeant Major for the battalion.Dec 07, 2013

mc-13.JPGThe Big PicturePerimeter looking towards the road incoming to LZ Oasis.Dec 07, 2013

mc-12.JPGInterior ViewYep...we done built a great mess hall.Dec 07, 2013

mc-11.JPGInterior ViewNo names, but these two are enjoying the field mess hall.Dec 07, 2013

mc-10.JPGThe Mess HallThis is the Mess Hall at LZ Oasis; it had a dirt floor. I don't know its origins. This is the building that we totally refurbished into a first class dining place.Dec 07, 2013
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