
SG-24.JPGSpare TubeHere I am sitting on a spare tube for the 175mm gun. Due to their compression and long-distance firing, the tubes didn't last very long.Dec 13, 2013

SG-22a.JPGLZ PonyWe hooked out of LZ Meade and landed on an interesting little LZ called "Pony". LZ Pony was low and flat and adjacent to an airstrip (very adjacent). There was a rice paddy just north of the LZ. The photo shows the FDC bunker and the two fellows are George Skulzachek on the left and Greg Malnar on the right.Dec 13, 2013

SG-23.JPGAirstrip at LZ PonyDid I say that we were adjacent to a landing strip? Any closer and I would have lost my head.Dec 13, 2013

DD_-_Wendell_Corey.JPGTour GuideI served as a tour guide when actor Wendell Corey was making field visits. He died the next year (1968) at age 54.Dec 12, 2013

DD-pipe.JPGIt was tobaccoCourtesy of Lt Dennis Munden, who served shoulder-to-shoulder with me in the FDC CONEX at LZ OD in 1967. He snapped this shot of my handy pipe. It was filled with Cherry Blend pipe tobacco and none of the "local stuff".Dec 12, 2013

Capt_Mike_Casp,_BC.JPGThe BestCaptain Mike Casp, KIA in November, 1967, was the best commanding officer that I served under during my tour from 1966-67. Mike was a West Point grad and Captain of the West Point football team. May he rest in peace.Dec 12, 2013

mc-27.JPGExecutive Officer for "A" BatteryCaptain Jerry R. Benton. At one point, he was "Lt Benton" and served as XO of "A" Battery.Dec 07, 2013

mc-25.JPGSign PosingSp5 John O. Olson, Sp4 Herb Banks and PFC Ralph C. ThompsonDec 07, 2013

mc-26.JPGMess Hall, Hqs Service Battery, Camp EnariLtCol Charles Richards, Battalion Commander, 2/9th FADec 07, 2013

mc-24.JPGDavisMSG William (Wild Bill) Davis, Field 1SG.Dec 07, 2013

mc-23.JPGSgt & CaptainLeft: MSG Paul J. Heavner; Right: Captain Stu Royle.Dec 07, 2013

mc-22.JPGJenkinsCaptain John JenkinsDec 07, 2013
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