
Don_and_Walt_1970.jpgAug 11, 2019

Joe_H.JPGMen of the 35th - Our brothers in combatAttached Pic is from 1969, Stand down. If you knew any of the these men you were lucky, because they had my back and yours over there. It’s a Family shot taken in dim light. The drink of the day was Beer and RC Cola. Eighty cases of beer and forty cases of soda were consumed by the next morning.
Photo courtesy of Joe Soga/Joe HendersonNov 13, 2018

Lee_1.JPGA reunion hugCapt Dave Collins gives Pam Okerstrom a friendly hug.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.Oct 06, 2018

Lee_2.JPGThe Okerstrom FamilyHere they are...with Bert Landau as the intruder at far right. Hugging the gals as always.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.Oct 06, 2018

Lee_3.JPGHospitality SuiteThe Okerstrom family enjoying the Portland Hospitality Suite.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.Oct 06, 2018

Lee_4.JPGOkerstromsNow we know who they are.........
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.Oct 06, 2018

Jacksonville.JPGAnnual Reunion, Sept 26 - 29, 2019 Jacksonville, FLHere we are at the Lexington Hotel in Jacksonville...sunny and hot. We saw a lot more walkers, canes, scooters and knee braces than in the past, but we made it here!Oct 02, 2018

Aboard_the_Spirit.jpgDinner CruiseA dinner cruise aboard the Portland Spirit.Oct 01, 2018

Portland_16.jpgHospitality SuiteThere's David Dunn in the dark shirt, Joe Henderson, and Bobby Day.Oct 01, 2018

Thurs_Nite_Ride.jpgStarting off the ReunionA Thursday evening dinner cruise kicked off the events of the 20th Annual 35th Inf Regt Reunion in Portland, Oregon.Oct 01, 2018

Portland_13.jpgHospitality Suite35th Assn President Joe Henderson and buddies.Oct 01, 2018

Portland_14.jpgOct 01, 2018
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