The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Banquet-4.JPGThe Grunt TableChris Dunn, grins heartily at the camera, even though she hates having a picture taken. Next to her is husband David Dunn, platoon leader of A/2/35 back in Nam.Nov 06, 2014
Banquet-5.JPGSaturday Evening BanquetRichard Strawn, who looks like he is still very much "combat ready", sits with Hal Bowling at the A/2/35 table.Nov 06, 2014
VaB-1.JPGWelcome to Virginia Beach!Hah! Joke's on you. This is the "old" Cavalier with its very impressive architectural front and manicured name in "bold bush" font, but it was closed. Gotta go across the street to the "real" location.Nov 06, 2014
VaB-2.JPGThe real Cavalier you have arrived. The place was full and parking was tight, but it was very comfy with lots of things to see and do nearby.Nov 06, 2014
VaB-3.JPGThe Cavalier Oceanfront HotelYep..that's it! The Atlantic Ocean right at your feet.Nov 06, 2014
VaB-4.JPGThe Cavalier Oceanfront HotelSee? A beautiful, nice walking path, and a grand golf course.Nov 06, 2014
Redleg_Lunch-6.JPGJoint LuncheonThe ever-present evil grin of Don Keith as he table-hops. Don spent 11 months in the field as an FO and carries his "certifiably insane" paperwork wherever he goes.

His current "victim" is Jim Beddingfield, Past President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn.
Nov 06, 2014
Redleg_Lunch-7.JPGJoint LuncheonChit-chatting among the guests of the joint luncheon.Nov 06, 2014
Redleg_Lunch-8.JPGSetting the record straightSpouse Barb Keith interjects and probably "corrects" one of Don's stories. Meanwhile, John "Moon" Mullins, right, gets the right version.Nov 06, 2014
Redleg_Lunch-9.JPGMajor Jerry OrrJerry Orr, wearing his official 2/9th Arty shirt, chats with Ed Moor.Nov 06, 2014
VaB-5.JPGThe Cavalier Oceanfront HotelThe hotel's dining area gave its visitors a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean with its white caps rushing to the shore.Nov 06, 2014
Redleg_Lunch-1.JPGThe annual C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty joint luncheonJoe Turner listens as Don Keith leans in to tell another war story. Jim Connolly, at the end of the table, has heard all this before.Nov 06, 2014
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