Last additions - J Fred Oliver

JFO-25.JPGKABLOOEY!!!Well, whatever was there, ain't there no more! A fighter jet (circled in red) unloads on a target.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-26.JPGTrail GuardWell, this is one way to do it.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-27.JPGObviousThis well-worn path has no cover or concealment.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-28.JPGLife in the fieldSettling in for the evening.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-19.JPGZoo Gate?Wonder what the ticket prices are?Mar 17, 2016

JFO-20.JPGLiving with the gruntsTaking a break from the mission.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-21.JPGWay up thereI forgot what I climbed up here for! But I've got the high ground occupied.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-22.JPGLife in the fieldTaking a swig from the canteen.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-23.JPGSpeed Trap?Yes...speeding tickets were issued in Vietnam.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-14.JPGWhat Am I Doing Here?Dunno. They gave me a helmet, a shiny new pen, and a can of beans...and here I am.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-15.JPGKeeping an eye outWorking on my peripheral vision here.Mar 17, 2016

JFO-16.JPGMemory PhotoWater can and canteen cup, M-16, M-1 Shovel, radio-telephone, ammo boxes, knapsack. Yep...all authentic gear.Mar 17, 2016