Last additions - J Fred Oliver

JFO-59.JPGLooking leftIt's "that-a-way". Everyone is focusing on the left.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-60.JPGPalm Trees and PlantationsTroops take a break just outside the jungle canopy. Palm trees in the rear.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-61.JPGVery scenic war zoneFirebase set across from the hills with valley in between.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-62.JPGSee VietnamNope, I've already seen it.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-63.JPGAnother RSOPLooks like this battery is strapping up for a move to another location.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-54.JPGCapt CarterThe guy holding the Chi-com machine gun is Capt Carter, who was the Company Commander of A/1/14. He was wounded a few days after this photo, and I think sent back to the States.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-55.JPGTemperature changesIn the Central Highlands, the nights got pretty darn cool!Mar 19, 2016

JFO-56.JPGGrunts in full gearMar 19, 2016

JFO-57.JPGEvery day warOne of the strangest things in Nam was that the "locals" went about their business every day. It was like war was a common thing in their country.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-58.JPGAPC-113Armored Personnel Carriers worked in Nam...where they had roads, that is.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-49.JPGWish I owned one of theseIt would have been nice to chase the NVA in a rolling tin can instead of on foot.Mar 19, 2016

JFO-50.JPGHow to climb a tree?Tarzan never thought of this method.Mar 19, 2016