Last additions - Don M Keith

Fire_in_the_hole-1.JPGKa-blooey!The NCO is getting ready to blow this enemy stash to kingdom come!Mar 11, 2017

2Village_Firefight.JPGVillage FirefightDon says that this is the battle where Lt Dick Arnold of B/1/35 and his platoon were pinned down.Mar 11, 2017

Cacti_Grunt_Club.JPGBeer HallWho knew? The Cacti battalion had their very own beer hall! Salud! (burp)Mar 11, 2017

Grunt_Club_-_2.JPGCacti Beer HallWell, you could say that it was "Miller Time", but the gang is all drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.Mar 11, 2017

Fire_in_the_hole-1a.JPGDestroying enemy munitionsA cave with enemy munitions is loaded up with plenty of C-4 explosive.Mar 11, 2017

Arty_Hat.jpgStill Running!Well, Don gave up his #1 spot on the victory stand in this annual event. At least the winner wasn't decked out infantry blue. BUT...check out that Artillery ten-gallon hat on Don's head! Wow!
Guess the #3 guy didn't finish at all...or was "finished" and carried off for last rites.Sep 13, 2016

Don_K_-hand.JPGA rock?THIS is a Water Buffalo turd?!? You said it was a rock!
(Guess you flunked your minor in Geology, Don!)Aug 07, 2016

Keith_Blues.jpgModern Day DonOld soldiers never die; they just buy dress blue uniforms (if they still fit). Don dresses out in full regalia at a reunion.Jun 28, 2016

Don-173d.JPG2016 Reunion of the 173dDon submits a photo of two beauties dressed in WWII uniforms while he is in his dress blues from two (2) tours in Vietnam. Isn't it amazing how the WWII veterans held up so much better than our Vietnam veteran?Jun 13, 2016

01-Bird_Dog_Spotter.JPGBird DogThe Cessna L-19/0-1 Bird Dog was the artillery FO spotter plane used throughout Vietnam.Feb 06, 2016

Don_K_2015.JPGVeteran's Day, 2015Still standing tall 48 years after Vietnam.
SALUTE!Nov 11, 2015

winner~0.jpgSenior Olympics Winner!Well, after running through fire and mud, Don felt he was ready to win five medals in the Senior Olympics.
Surely, this former veteran FO is no couch potato!Oct 06, 2015
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