Last additions - Don M Keith

The_Trio.JPGDangerous DudesLt Keith served as the FO for B-1-35. He paired with Platoon Leaders of "B" Company with his artillery skills. Weapons Platoon Leader Cal Graef is in center and Platoon Leader Lt "TJ" Blue (deceased) is on the right.Oct 15, 2020

DK_Skinny.jpegLose weightOkay, out here in the Nam jungle, be prepared to lose weight.Oct 13, 2020

Chinook_Resupply.jpgRe-Supply via CH-47, Chinook Utility chopperThe vital part of successful military warfare is to keep your troops re-supplied at all times. This particular mission was very special: it brought our "hot chow" in those insulated (MERMITE) containers. A welcome change from cold C-rations.
The only problem was the enemy was also well-supplied via the Ho Chi Minh trail running thru Cambodia and Laos. That resupply line was never destroyed to the great detriment of our troops.Oct 11, 2020

Search_and_Destroy_Patrols.jpgThe official name for US soldiers patrolling the jungle was "Search & Destroy" mission. When crossing an open field, Infantry Commanders knew they had to spread their men apart in the event of a firefight.Oct 11, 2020

Medics_and_kids.JPGUS providing medical careIn addition to food and candy, US troops had Medics (91B) available to treat the people of the villages. Young boy (center) has no pants to wear.
The VC were acutely aware of the goodwill being established by the American troops directly aiding the villages. Too bad the US news media didn't bother to report it.Oct 11, 2020

Capt_and_the_kids.jpgCompany Commander shares goodies with the children of a typical Vietnamese village. Contrary to US news media reports, the children and their parents were glad to see American soldiers. But they knew the VC would move back in after we left. It was a never-ending cycle.Oct 11, 2020

Soldiers_with_kids-1.JPGSoldiers and KidsAn Infantryman of B-1-35 meets with Vietnamese children in a village. Our troops routinely gave kids candy and goodies from the C-Ration supplies.
According to the US news media, these men were labeled as "baby-killers". The news media got it wrong, as usual. It was the VC who entered the villages and killed the Village Chief to install their control.Oct 11, 2020

Flag_is_Captured.JPGI got it!Every battle known to man is to capture the other guy's flag. Here it is!Mar 11, 2017

Grunt_Club_Ice.JPGGrunt Club Supply WagonNothing like taking a military trailer and putting it to better use! Here this trailer is loaded with ice to cover the Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.Mar 11, 2017

Keith_Goes_Cong.JPGHa so?Don adapts the Vietnamese headwear; keeps the sun out of his eyes, he says.Mar 11, 2017

Major_Punji_Trap.JPGPunji StakesOne of the nastiest booby traps in all of Vietnam was the punji stake trap. A hole in the ground was covered up to hide the sharply-pointed stakes pointing upward, usually with poison on the tips. The idea wasn't to kill US troops, but to take them out of the battle and to demoralize their comrades.Mar 11, 2017

Running_thru_the_Jungle.JPGCong -or- Cong Fighter?Don can play for either side.Mar 11, 2017
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