Last additions - Robert Wilson

RW-31.JPGBronco BeachLanding on the sand near LZ Bronco (Montezuma).Feb 28, 2015

RW-33.JPGLZ UpliftSetting up camp at LZ Uplift.Feb 28, 2015

RW-34.JPGLZ UpliftCamping at LZ Uplift. Bubble helo surrounded by sandbag parapet.Feb 28, 2015

RW-29.JPGBronco BeachLanding on the Beach near LZ Bronco (Montezuma).Feb 28, 2015

RW-30.JPGBronco BeachHitting the beach near LZ Bronco (Montezuma).Feb 28, 2015

RW-32.JPGLZ UpliftLooks like a gunship demonstration.Feb 28, 2015

RW-27.JPGBrew TimeWilson, Barrington, and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs enjoying a brewsky.Feb 28, 2015

RW-28.JPGWilson and RoufsPfc Wilson and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs outside the tent. Looks like Wilson got a tetanus booster shot.Feb 28, 2015

RW-22.JPGNew Mess HallPhoto of new mess hall at Pleiku base camp.Feb 28, 2015

RW-23.JPGPleiku Base CampPhoto of base camp; looks like Danny Yates is carrying his bucket still.Feb 28, 2015

RW-24.JPGPleiku Base CampEquipment park at the base camp.Feb 28, 2015

RW-25.JPGMore horseplayRedlegs Barrington and Wilson engage in a little weaponry horseplay. Note the stateside OD uniforms. The 25th Inf Div Advance Party was sent over on Christmas Eve, December, 1965 and the full 3rd Brigade Task Force was deployed in January, 1966. It took awhile before the jungle fatigues were issued.Feb 28, 2015
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