Last additions - James L Keller

Jim_Keller.jpgMaking it through the dayNothing like a little shot to keep you going...........Feb 11, 2015

Jim_Keller2.jpgModern Day JimA 2014 photo of a modern-day Jim Keller.Feb 11, 2015

JK-3a.jpgGoodbye Party?Top left is Richard Casteneda, I am in the middle below. No names on the rest, unless you can help!Nov 24, 2014

JK-9.JPGGoodbye Camp EnariDeparting Camp Enari, April, 1970. Believe the hill in the background is Engineering Mountain.Nov 20, 2014

JK-10.JPGLandscaping in VietnamYeah, we had to cut the grass at Bn Hq. Makes for a very strange looking sight. 2/9th Arty Hq sign in the background.Nov 20, 2014

JK-11.JPGCamp VietnamOtherwise known as Camp Enari, it's ready for inspection.Nov 20, 2014

JK-12.JPGConvoyThis convoy is headed to An Khe. April, 1970.Nov 20, 2014

JK-4.JPGThe Gates are openThe convoy of re-assigned artillerymen of the 2/9th are leaving through the gates of Camp Enari.Nov 20, 2014

JK-5.JPGUnemployedThe men of the 2/9th Arty are dispersed to other units as The Mighty Ninth goes home.Nov 20, 2014

JK-6.JPGLeaving Camp Enari, April 1970Between Pleiku and An Khe.Nov 20, 2014

JK-7.JPGDeparting Camp EnariLeaving Camp Enari, April, 1970.Nov 20, 2014

JK-8.JPGAn Khe PassLeaving Camp Enari, April 1970.Nov 20, 2014