Last additions - Michael Medley

Jackie_c.JPGPhotos contributed by othersThis photo is captioned "Jackie & others". (PFC Jackie L. Catron).Sep 02, 2014

JCatron.JPGPhotos contributed by othersThis photo is captioned "Happy Jack". {PFC Jackie L. Catron}Sep 02, 2014

Gamble_KIA.JPGLZ St George battle aftermathThis is the spot on the gun pit where PFC David John Gamble was KIA during the battle on 6Nov69. (See "TAPS" - David John Gamble).Sep 02, 2014

St_Geo_Bunker.JPGLZ St George battle aftermathAnother bunker at LZ St George destroyed by sappers in the battle of November, 1969. I think Sgt Jim "Tex" Shelton sent this photo to me.Sep 02, 2014

MM_11-69.JPGAnti-Lifer ShirtWearing my best "eff the lifers" firebase regalia. Funny thing is, I thought the only items I still had from Nam was my helmet cover, wife's scarf that I kept with some toilet paper between the helmet and helmet liner, my Ho Chi sandals with at least another 1,000 miles left on them, and my dog tags. In going through my AWOL bag for 2/9 items of interest, at the bottom were the same hippy beads.Sep 02, 2014

FDC-Hooch.JPGCot in FDC BunkerSitting on a cot in the FDC bunker at LZ St. George. Wasn't my sack. I was the newbie who got the stretcher held up by ammo boxes. My bed was unfortunately used for its intended purpose in November and that was the last use of it or my poncho liner.Sep 02, 2014

Blown_Bunker.JPGLZ St George battle aftermathOne of the above-ground monsoon bunkers at St. George blown by the sappers. I think this and the next two photos were sent to me by Jim "Tex" Shelton since I was out of film during the aftermath.Sep 02, 2014

Hip_Shoot_at_LZ_Marianne.JPGHip Shoot @ LZ MarianneLZ Marianne hip shoot 9-69. (left to right): "Pineapple", a Section Chief, Sp4 Donald F. Morrell, far right is the Chief of Smoke. It was Pineapple's tube that had to be dropped when the Chinook was shot up leaving LZ Tuffy. He was a great photographer and had his VT fuse box with his camera equipment and his photos slung in the ammo net under the hook, which went down. Morrell was with the soul gun crew, I think he became section chief (gun 4?). Chief was a great guy. I think he was given a compassionate early return to the World because of his wife.Aug 31, 2014

Not_Sure.JPGLikely taken around Sept/Oct, 1969.Not sure where or when. Probably Sept/Oct '69. Getting ready to go out again (since I am wearing the flack jacket must be lifers in the background). Can't make out the folks behind me.Aug 31, 2014

PFC_Denny_Mrowcyznski.JPGPFC MrowczynskiDenny Mrowczynski standing at entrance to FDC/1st Sgt hooch at LZ St. George.
Note volleyball in the background and a mess tent. We only had it for a short time until one of the cooks burned to death while filling a stove. {See "TAPS" - PFC Odell Easley}Aug 31, 2014

Best_Buds.JPGBest Buddies"FNG" PFC Mike Medley and Sp5 Clint Curry out next to the conex "window" and entry way into the annex. Must have been a day or two after getting to the battery at St. George since I have on a WHITE tee shirt. Can't remember even having a green one during my tour, let alone underwear or socks. Note that the sign reads "A" Battery in the background.Aug 31, 2014

Sp4_Jarisch.JPGMy name isn't George, but...Sp4 Eugene ("George") Jarisch manning the horns in the FDC conex June '69. George was the second most junior guy after me and had only been in FDC for a couple of months when I came in. He was very bashful with a heavy Texas twang. When he first joined the battery and was asked his name he said Jarisch, but it was heard as "George". He was too shy to correct anyone for a few weeks and by that time he WAS George from then on.Aug 31, 2014