Last additions - Michael Medley

Brothers-in-Arms.jpgBrothers-In-ArmsHome from LZ Cathy 9-69. The non-lifer traveling FDC band of brothers (left to right): Clint Curry, Eugene ("George") Jarisch, Denny Mrowzinski, Mike Medley, and our leader eltee "Rucksack" Rucker (Lt. Hermie "Rucksack" Rucker).Feb 12, 2022

Our_Gang-AnKhe_AO.JPGBan Me Thout (L to R) PFC Dennis Van Linder (promoted to Corporal and probably one of the last Corporals in the Army), Jim Hurdle, Carl from Georgia, Cruit (getting picked on as usual), Mike Medley (in the Joe Cool shades), Denny Mrowczynski, and Eugene "George" Jarisch.Sep 11, 2014

An_Khe_AO.JPGBan Me ThoutOn the ground in the AO.Sep 11, 2014

AnKhe_AO.JPGBan Me ThoutOn the ground. These two photos look the same, but they aren't.Sep 11, 2014

Break_Time_-_An_Khe.JPGBan Me ThoutIn foreground is FDC: (Left to right) Tom "Terrific" FNG from Manitou Springs, CO, Carl from Georgia no longer the FNG, Cruit who forever was just that, "George" Jarisch, Bullet Bob (back to camera with glasses), and Bill "Nan the Man" Nankervis(deceased) who could always give the Peanuts character Pigpen a run for his money.Sep 11, 2014

BreakTime_-_AnKhe_AO.JPGBan Me ThoutPFC William "PigPen" Nankervis (deceased 2013), Bullet Bob, Cruit, Tom Terrific, Carl, George, and Dennis Van Linder in foreground with glasses.Sep 11, 2014

Our_Gang_at_AnKhe.JPGBan Me Thout Jim Hurdle, Carl from Georgia, PFC Dennis Van Linder, Denny Mrowczynski, Cruit, and George Jarisch.Sep 11, 2014

Christmas_convoy.JPGOn the road again On the road again, another fond memory of Christmas Eves past.Sep 09, 2014

More_on_the_road.JPGUp Yours!Despite our attempt at humanitarian aid and civil affairs, I think we were actually recruiters for the VC since the kids started yelling "GI fucking 10" and hurling them back at us. Maybe it was the stale chocolate. Could have gotten seriously injured since those things were hard-solid and could have been used as the heat shield on the Apollo moon missions.Sep 09, 2014

On_the_road_-_Christmas.JPGBegging for candyMore of those tropical chocolate bars going out to the kids alongside the road. Sep 09, 2014

Road_Views_Christmas.JPGRoadside viewConstruction along the road always varied greatly in type and quality.Sep 09, 2014

On_the_road_Christmas.JPGRoad beggarsWe took along a bunch of those tropical chocolate bars and threw them out to the begging kids along the road. What intrigues me about this photo is that, as we went over a hill, I looked back and saw the kids pulling down the flag. That says a lot.Sep 09, 2014