Last additions - Doug Johnson

DJ-19.jpgLZ Montezuma - High Aerial ViewExcellent aerial shot of LZ Montezuma. South China Sea at top, 3rd Bde landing strip in center, and famous hill serving as backdrop. The US Marines first occupied this area before turning it over to the 3rd Bde in the Spring of 1967. It served as the HQ for the 2/9th for many months. Photo courtesy of CPT Don Parrish, (1/35 Inf Commo Officer).Jul 04, 2010

DJ-18.jpgAwards DayLtCol Kingston, SgtMaj Weihe, Bill Baker, and Capt Keith Carlton show off awards.Nov 29, 2007

DJ-17.jpgLooks like heating C-Rations got out of handCapt Vincente DeJesus, later Maj DeJesus, Asst Bn S-3Nov 29, 2007

DJ-16.jpgBn S-4 Bill Baker and Lynn Knight, Company "A" CommanderNov 29, 2007

DJ-15.jpgThe FO PartyUNK Recon Sgt, Sgt Bill Latimer, RTO (KIA), and Lt Carl Stout, FO.Nov 29, 2007

DJ-14.jpgThe GruntsLt TJ Blue (1/35), Maj (Unknown) who was the FAC (Forward Air Controller), and CPT Art Panze, Engineer Co Commander.Nov 29, 2007

DJ-12.jpgGot me a jeep!Lt Kermit DeVaughn (deceased), an Alabama native, FDO for "A" Battery, is all smiles.Nov 29, 2007

DJ-11.jpgWhere are we? A map exercise."Matches? I thought you had the matches!"
Maj Gerrold Tippen (S-3, 1/35)), CPT Lloyd Yoshina (A/1/35), Maj Moore (BnCo, 1/35).
Nov 29, 2007

DJ-9.jpg"Let me tell you this about that!"CPT Lynn Knight (A/1/35) speaks with CPT Ed Nealon (B/1/35).Nov 29, 2007

DJ-8.jpg"Just wanted to let you guys know that we are going to throw a little party for Ho Chi Minh tonight". Informal staff meeting in progress. (L to R) Maj Gerrold Tippen, S-3 for 1/35; LTC Bob Kingston (BnCO, 1/35, later becoming a general), (Unknown), CPT Bil Baker, S-4, 1/35) (Unknown), Maj Doug Johnson, Doctor from the 1/35 Inf, Lt Cal Graef, 4.2 Mortar Plt Leader.)Nov 29, 2007

DJ-7.jpgLooking out the helo door is 35th Inf Battalion Commander Maj Moore.Nov 29, 2007

DJ-6.jpgVietnamese Awards CeremonyMaj Doug Johnson and Lt Don Keith display Vietnamese medals.Nov 28, 2007