Last additions - Joe Sleevi

Joe_Sleevi~0.JPGModern Day JoeHere Joe is caught on camera with a TV station doing a story on him trying to find his buddies from his time in the US Army. They were a tight-knit group known as the Jefferson County Club.Jun 29, 2017

JS-1.jpgBattery Commander & Chief of SmokeCaptain Williams and Chief of Smoke. Taken at LZ St. George while it was being built. Both these men were instrumental in all the Fire Direction activities during the battle for the CHU PA. Cpt. Williams was a Reserve Officer from Utah and a sharp BC.Nov 22, 2013

JS-16.JPGOur BunkerHead for shelter when needed.Nov 22, 2013

JS-14.JPGLZ St GeorgeOur battery sign stands proudly while we build LZ St George.Nov 22, 2013

JS-13.JPGLZ St GeorgeWe are "digging in", building up our firebase at LZ St George.Nov 22, 2013

JS-15.JPGLZ St GeorgeOur firebase at LZ St George.Nov 22, 2013

JS-11.JPGBest guess is FSB unusual FBase...Arty on one end and Infantry at the other end.Nov 22, 2013

JS-12.JPGLZ St GeorgeBuilding our battery defenses at LZ St George.Nov 22, 2013

JS-10.JPGFSB 34Best guess is FSB unusual FBase...Arty on one end andNov 22, 2013

JS-9.JPGLZ St GeorgeMortar Pit at LZ St George.Nov 22, 2013

JS-8.JPGAnother view: the convoy to Ban Me Thuot.Nov 22, 2013

JS-7.JPGConvoy plusMy best guess is the convoy to Ban Me Thuot and a couple guns on the way. The little Lambretta looks puny compared to our military vehicles.Nov 22, 2013