Last additions - 2-9th Reunion

Price_Reunion_3.jpgReunion Photos - Dave PriceBANG! There is goes. The compression was just as powerful as the sound of the cannon being fired.Jun 05, 2013

Aiming_Cir-2.JPGM2 Aiming Circle - Surveyed stakeYou set up the tripod, hung the plumb-bob & centered it, levelled your bubbles, and computed your SADULU. It is going to be paved over as a parking lot. Just another Ft Sill memory.Jun 03, 2013

Aiming_Cir-1.JPGHoneycutt RoadIn the background, Bldg 5676, Allin Hall, formerly the BOQ, opened in October, 1965. The "twin tower", Bldg 5678, Aultman Hall, was opened shortly after. Both BOQs are now "hotels".
Remember Honeycutt Road? That's where you learned how to "lay the battery" with an M2 Aiming Circle. This area will become a parking lot for a new elementary school to replace the very old Geronimo school. I guess that's just "SADULU" for the old training site on the prominent ridge line of Honeycutt Road.Jun 03, 2013

Aiming_Cir-3.JPGSurveyed Sites for the Aiming CircleThis is a larger view, looking down the line of surveyed stakes for training on the M2 Aiming circle, looking toward Honeycutt Road. This is now a rare photograph; it was taken just as the contractors were setting up shop to build a parking lot here.Jun 03, 2013

Key_Gate.JPGGuarding The GateWell, Gents, the 105mm howitzer, M101A1, has remained here as the "gate guardian" at Ft. Sill for over 50 years!
Welcome Home, Brothers! It's been a long, long time.Jun 03, 2013
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