Last additions - 2-9th Reunion

WTC-2.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne CrochetDo you see an "odd man out" here? No? Well, neither do I.
Maj Jerry Orr hosted our reunion.Jun 06, 2013

WTC-6.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne CrochetThe "Dining Facility" has replaced the "mess hall" and YOU WILL eat healthy foods, soldier!!! can have anything to drink as long as it's water. Our active duty host, LTC Marcus Jones stands in front of a color-coded menu.Jun 06, 2013

WTC-5.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne CrochetWayne found another "old buddy"...a mechanical one, at least. This is the old FADAC computer; the artillery's first attempt to computerize the Fire Direction Center (FDC). However, even in 2013, they are using 60s-era firing charts complete with RDP out in the field.
Jun 06, 2013

Geronimo.JPGBurial SiteBurial site of the famous Indian Chief Geronimo.Jun 06, 2013

Summerall_Hall.JPGCannons Taught hereBack in the day, the training NCOs would be climbing all over the 155mm and 8" howitzers teaching you the components at Summerall Hall.Jun 06, 2013

Snow_Hall.JPGGunnery 101 taught hereYessir...we all know where Snow Hall is located. Back in our day, the interior of Snow Hall had a distinctive odor the minute you walked in. It wasn't good or bad, just kinda "earthy" smelling...something you would always recognize and remember. Well, gents...I'm here to tell you that THE "SMELL" IS GONE!" Perhaps it was a new air conditioning system or many new coats of paint, but the "smell" is no more!Jun 06, 2013

Snow_Hall-2.JPGThe 2/9th FA honored with a photo in Snow HallThe photo here is from our action in Vietnam at LZ 10 Alpha. It is C/2/9 firing high angle fire in June, 1966.Jun 06, 2013

Indian_Cemeteries.jpgIndian CemeteryNo trip down memory lane at Ft Sill is complete without a visit to the Indian Cemeteries. If you recall, you take Quinnette Road past the Officers Club (now the Patriot Club) and go until you are enroute to the field training areas.Jun 06, 2013

The_old_Guard_Shack.JPGOriginal Guard ShackDon't know why they left it standing, but it is a great memories of reporting in over 45 years ago to Ft. Sill.
The sign says, "For Military Police Assistance, Report to Building XXXX at the intersection of Craig and Randolph Roads".Jun 06, 2013

Group_Photo_-_Reunion.JPGWelcome Home, Brothers!Here we are...some 45 years later or more...walking the grounds of Ft Sill. We noted many changes in those years and we were fortunate to return home from Vietnam and relive some of the memories.Jun 06, 2013

DY-8.JPGReunion Photos - Danny YatesAt the range. A major part of our agenda was to see a firing demonstration with the latest artillery howitzers, including the "777" and the 155mm Paladin.Jun 06, 2013

DY-7.JPGReunion Photos - Danny YatesOur basic training troops in action. Les Cotton is in the forefront with his cowboy hat.Jun 06, 2013
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