Last additions - 2-9th Reunion

SR-13.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleThe old war vets reunite here at Ft Sill for a historic gathering. Welcome Home, Brothers!Jun 09, 2013

SR-11.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleA close examination of the 155mm breech. If you value your fingers, they will not go anywhere near the breech.Jun 09, 2013

SR-10.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleField Firing Demo: these are our replacements, guys! Do they look good or what?Jun 09, 2013

SR-12.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleStack Arms! Yes...they still stack arms in the field.Jun 09, 2013

SR-9.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleNew weapon. Lee Dixon takes a close look at the weapon now used in training.Jun 09, 2013

SR-8.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleReady - Set - Mingle.Jun 09, 2013

SR-7.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleOur host at the basic training area was LTC Marcus Jones who was reassigned to Ft Bliss just days after our reunion ended. Our organizer, Jerry Orr, credits Col Jones with handling a lot of the logistics issues.Jun 09, 2013

SR-3.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleStu Royle in front, Steve Cox and Dennis Dauphin behind him.Jun 09, 2013

SR-2.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleWelcome, Jim Beddingfield! We were honored with the presence of Jim Beddingfield, the current President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn, who joined us at our historic reunion at Ft Sill.Jun 09, 2013

SR-6.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleThe "Cowboy"--- Danny Fort and his walking stick.Jun 09, 2013

SR-5.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleRay Hobbs listens as DS Schmidt makes her point.Jun 09, 2013

SR-4.jpgReunion Photos - Stu RoyleHavin' a ball! We seem be enjoying our tour stop at the basic training buildings. Terry Stuber is adjusting his camera.Jun 09, 2013
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