Last additions - Steve Cox

Refrad3.JPGSpecial Orders No. 14, Pg 1, REFRADOrders relieving from Active Duty, 14Jan70 to the USAR.Mar 13, 2013

DEROS-1.JPGSpecial Orders No. 358, Pg 1, DEROSWould you believe? Finally got those DEROS orders.Mar 13, 2013

pole_climb.JPGPole ClimberOctober, 1969. Finally got to use my real MOS, 36K20, a pole climberMar 13, 2013

oct_69_courer.JPGOctober, 1969: The big move from Oasis to Camp EnariAfter the move to Camp Enari, I had another job handed to me. I became a Courier.Mar 13, 2013

Nam_Barracks.JPGBarracksAre we stateside yet? Looks more and more like typical stateside barracks life.Mar 13, 2013

mines.JPGStudying the minesA pair of 4th Inf Div engineer officers, Lt Howze and Lt Friend (sp) study a mine sitting atop the jeep radio.Mar 13, 2013

mine_jeep.JPGA mine packageApril, 1969. Might look like a birthday cake, but you don't want it!Mar 13, 2013

mar_west_from_ben.JPGBen HetMarch, 1969. Looking west from Ben Het.Mar 13, 2013

me_injeep.JPGCommo WorkAugust, 1969. We made a run to the "Rock Pile" (Engineer Hill) to check on a retrans (re-transmission) station.Mar 13, 2013

mar_me_mortar.JPGMarch, 1969What? Me Worry? This photo taken between the rocket and mortar rounds landing.Mar 13, 2013

mar_me_break.JPGTop of the HeapYep...I made the big climb to the top.Mar 13, 2013

mar_ammo_trk.JPGAttack on Ben HetCollateral damage from the ammo track hit.Mar 13, 2013
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