Last additions - Steve Cox

Tents.JPGHome Sweet HomeDecember, 1968. These were the tents we lived in.Mar 13, 2013

Tea_Plantation.JPGMar 13, 2013

SW_from_Ben.jpgLooking southwest from Ben Het.Mar 13, 2013

Steve_in_Mailroom.JPGMail RoomLucky Me! I snagged the Mail Room job from a guy heading out on DEROS. Asked for it and got it.Mar 13, 2013

taking_break.JPGRoad GogglesAnyone in a Vietnam road convoy knows the value of road goggles.Mar 13, 2013

south_from_ben.JPGBen HetLooking south from Ben Het.Mar 13, 2013

SGM.JPGCSM Howard E. HughesThey called him "Pappy"...but I didn't!Mar 13, 2013

road_to_Oasis.JPGMar 13, 2013

Ron_Watts.JPGDecember, 1968: Unusual AssignmentRon Watts, a member of the 2/9th, spent his whole tour with the 1/69th Armor.Mar 13, 2013

Refrad4.JPGSpecial Orders No. 14, Pg 2, REFRADUS Army Reserve Control Group here I come!Mar 13, 2013

river_at_Dak_To.JPGDak To RiverMarch, 1969. The river at Dak To, heading toward the Oasis.Mar 13, 2013

DEROS2.JPGSpecial Orders No. 358, Pg 2, DEROS15Jan70 report stateside. There's my name; I'm going home.Mar 13, 2013
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