Last additions - Steve Cox

1-69_Flag.JPGMotto: "Speed And Power"The unit flag of the 1/69th Armored Regiment.Mar 14, 2013

west_to_laos.JPGMarch, 1969: Looking WestLooking West to Laos from Ben Het.Mar 13, 2013

wait_for_chpper.JPGAlways waitingStanding by the runway...waiting for the next chopper.Mar 13, 2013

West_Point.JPGCommo Officer departsThe Commo Officer for the 2/9th Arty was a West Pointer who was returning home.Mar 13, 2013

Valley_Fire6.JPGJanuary, 1969CIDG's with us at the firebase.Mar 13, 2013

Valley_Fire7.JPGJanuary, 1969Evidence of blown trees to clear the area for the firebase.Mar 13, 2013

Valley_Fire5.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valleyLooking around the firebase.Mar 13, 2013

Valley_Fire4.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valleySame scenarioMar 13, 2013

Valley_Fire2.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valley155mm howitzers firing in support of units across the valley.Mar 13, 2013

Valley_Fire3.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valleyAnother view of the action area.Mar 13, 2013

Typewriter.JPGBattery Clerks of the 2/9th ArtyOne tap or two? The best way to repair a typewriter. This is how Sp5 Robert F. Biza repairs his Hq Service Battery typewriter. Biza's name provided by Sp5 James Keller in November, 2014. So, now we know.Mar 13, 2013

top_of_50_cal.JPGFebruary, 1969Topside view of the .50 cal machine gun in the Guard Bunker.Mar 13, 2013
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