Last additions - Jim Castelletti

JC-11.JPGCashen, MoselyLt John Cashin, Signal Corps, of NYC; back is Ronnie Mosely.Dec 21, 2012

JC-9.JPGTOC GroupChuck Kiehn, Dave Rogers, Dickie Damm, and Ronnie CroweDec 21, 2012

JC-10.JPGLafitteLt Montague (Monty) Tucker Lafitte, Allendale, SC.Dec 21, 2012

JC-8.JPGShea"Good Morning?" Or is it? Wayne Shea, San Diego.Dec 21, 2012

JC-7.JPGSheaWayne Shea of San Diego, CA.Dec 21, 2012

JC-5.JPGBeer BreakDickie Damm, Buffalo, NY; Charles Skidmore, Glenn Bruney.Dec 21, 2012

JC-6.JPGBruneyGlenn Bruney tosses one back; no "beer gut" here.Dec 21, 2012

JC-4.JPGBruneyGlenn Bruney, Ohio native.Dec 21, 2012

JC-2.JPGCroweRonnie D. Crowe of Shawnee Mission, KS. He shares his bunk.Dec 21, 2012

JC-3.JPGTophamBruce Topham of Provo, UT. He shares his food.Dec 21, 2012

JC-1.JPGTOCThis is the Artillery TOC located at LZ Oasis.Dec 21, 2012