Last additions - Dennis L Dauphin

FFE.jpgFiring for EffectAll six guns of the battery firing together. Likely done at the end of a daily registration to verify the pattern of the impact area and single out any short or long shooters.Apr 16, 2008

Crane-water.JPGSkycrane DeliversA chore usually performed by a CH-47 Chinook, here you see a Sikorsky SkyCrane delivering a water trailer to an LZ.Apr 16, 2008

English.JPGPalm TreesA contrast of palm trees and the hills in the background near LZ English.
Bong Son was the site of LZ English.Apr 16, 2008

Sunrises-Sunsets.JPGApr 02, 2008

Sunrise-Sunsets.JPGApr 02, 2008

SoChinaSea.jpgAftermath of the July, 1967 ammo dump fireAfter the great fireworks display at the ammo dump fire on the beach at the South China See, this is what the beach looked like. Probably cost the taxpayers back home a couple of million. {See the "War Stories" tab for more information}Apr 02, 2008

Panorama-DucPho.JPG3rd Brigade, 25th -LZ Montezuma, FSB BroncoProbably the best all-inclusive aerial shot. Shows the airstrip, the easily spotted hill next to the base, and the blue South China Sea over the hill. The US Marines originally occupied Duc Pho and were re-assigned further north toward the DMZ. The 2/9th got the assignment in the Spring of 1967 to replace them. The 3rd Bde Commander re-named the base "FSB Bronco", replacing the Marine's choice. Troops were warned not to climb the hills due to booby traps and mines.Apr 02, 2008

KontumHills2.jpgApr 02, 2008

FreedomJet.jpg"The Freedom Bird"Probably the greatest sight to be seen when you complete a tour in the boonies of Vietnam.Apr 02, 2008

Wigginton.JPGNew LensPfc Douglas Wigginton served as a "volunteer" to have his picture taken with a new portrait lens purchased in Hong Kong. Still gotta work on focus, though.Apr 02, 2008

Viet_Subdivision.JPGLocal FortressAppears to be a built-up living area with protected perimeter.Apr 02, 2008

SprayJob.JPGAgent Orange?No notes on slide, but this may be an helicopter outfitted with sprayers to lay down a defoliant.Apr 02, 2008
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