Last additions - Dennis L Dauphin

ColdShower.jpgUnder the BridgeThis rock waterfall leads to a stream which runs under the bridge on Hwy 19. This water provided and excellent shower point...but the water was very, very cold.May 11, 2008

C-2-9.jpg2/9th at Mang Yang PassThree howitzers of C/2/9 were moved to the Mang Yang Pass on Hwy 19. Hills in the background were the source of incoming mortars.May 11, 2008

BlownBridge.jpgHwy 19 - Bridge DownThe VC loved to remind us that they were around. This bridge was vital to the many convoys and local commerce down Hwy 19. Sp5 Bob Wilson has the same photo, more to the right, of this same bridge destruction.May 08, 2008

ARVN_camp.jpgThe ARVN / CIDG CompoundLocated on a hill mass on Hwy 19 in the vicinity of the infamous Mang Giang Pass, this was a radio relay station inhabited by civilians and their families. This compound was a source of constant aggravation.May 08, 2008

Smoke.JPGSmoke TrailsSmoke round leaves a visible marker against the hills.Apr 16, 2008

ReelTapeRcdr.JPGTape DiaryLt Dauphin shows off his 3" reel-to-reel GE tape recorder used to correspond with family in the States. Operated on four "D" Cells (BA-30s) and still works even today. To my everlasting regret, it arrived the morning after the long firefight to take command of the Duc Pho area. Lt Don Keith and I were on the radio with fire missions for 48 hours continuous.Apr 16, 2008

OnTheBeach4.JPGNavy Ship 2Same shot taken behind the concertina wire.Apr 16, 2008

OnTheBeach2.JPGNavy ShipA Navy supply ship unloads at the South China Sea.
Note the CONEX container in the center of the photo. Two of these units welded together formed the highly mobile FDCs for the artillery units.Apr 16, 2008

OnTheBeach3.JPGSandy BeachAn appealing look at the beach of the South China Sea.Apr 16, 2008

OnTheBeach.JPGShipA ship just offshore the beach of the South China Sea.Apr 16, 2008

Montezuma-Aerial.JPGAirstripAerial view of LZ Montezuma - FSB Bronco at Duc Pho. Was 3rd Brigade, 25th Inf Div HQ until August, 1967.Apr 16, 2008

English2.JPGPanoramic ViewA wide-shot view of the palm trees, lowlands and mountains from LZ English.Apr 16, 2008
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