Last additions - Dennis L Dauphin

The_Lookout.jpgArmed & DangerousFO for A/2/35 clowns for a photo atop an concrete water tank at the Mang Yang Pass.May 13, 2008

Rainbow.jpgRainbow at Highway 19Angular photo shows a rainbow passing directly over the Infantry company A-2-35 commanded by Capt Charlie Murray.
February, 1967.May 13, 2008

InsideARVN.jpgView from insidePhoto taken from inside the ARVN compound. Note the heavily fortified fence. February, 1967.May 13, 2008

Hwy19-kids.jpgKids on the highwayDuring less dangerous times, Vietnamese kids hung around Highway 19.May 13, 2008

Hiway_19.jpgGoing Thru the PassThis is Highway 19 as it leads through the Mang Yang Pass.May 13, 2008

CommandingView.jpgHighway 19Hills protect either side of the Mang Yang Pass. In the center, Highway 19 leads to An Khe - Qui Nhon.
Picture taken from atop the Pass.May 13, 2008

ARVN_perimeter.JPGCompound perimeterPhoto from inside the ARVN compound, looking outward from the perimeter. Notice gun barrel pointing out at lower right.May 13, 2008

ARVN_Comp.JPGThe site of an important radio relay station manned by the ARVNs. It is directly in line with the ARVN compound on a higher peak.May 13, 2008

1stCav.jpg1st Cav was hereAt the right end of the red line is the famous 1st Cav Insignia. The 1st Cav held this Mang Yang Pass area for a long time prior to moving. The road leads to the mountain peak and stops.May 11, 2008

Tiger_Tracks.JPGTiger in the jungleA reminder that Vietnam was a jungle---fresh tiger tracks. These tracks were sighted by a patrol going up the Mang Yang peak. Highway 19, RVNMay 11, 2008

Hwy19_Bridge.JPGHwy 19 BridgeAnother view of the bridge from below. Note highway signs.May 11, 2008

Hwy19-Bunker.jpgSide ViewSide view of tactical bridge site. The bunker at far right provided night protection. Snipers harassed our A/2/35 perimeter from the trees at top.May 11, 2008
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