Last additions - Dennis L Dauphin

R_R.JPGR&R - Hong KongTime off - R&R in Hong Kong, 26 to 31 July, 1967. The Navy's 7th Fleet is in the background.
Combat personnel are slow to get R&R dates; they are needed in the field. Wheres the typewriter Rangers go as often as they have the money to go.Mar 22, 2008

posn2.JPGThe Final DaysA new LZ means a LOT of work...getting set up, digging in...making the site fully operational.Mar 22, 2008

Posn.JPGScenic viewOn location at LZ ODMar 22, 2008

MajCondry.JPGFellow Bn Officer on R&RMajor Willie J. Condry, the 2/9th Battalion Adjutant, was also taking R&R in Hong Kong.Mar 22, 2008

Landing.JPGScenic viewOn location at LZ OD.Mar 22, 2008

Fire-in-hole.JPGThe Burning PitEvery evening at dusk, we would gather up all the unused powder charges, put them in a pit in a line, ignite the end of the line, and watch the show. The evening sky made for a beautiful background.Mar 22, 2008

Downtown1.JPGStreets of SaigonA visual confirmation of the hustle and bustle of downtown Saigon, November, 1966. Despite "modern times", street merchants still persist.Mar 22, 2008

USO.jpgStreets of SaigonThe USO building, downtown SaigonMar 17, 2008

SkyCrane.jpgHauling WaterA Sikorsky Sky Crane is put on duty to haul a water trailer. Usually a chore handled by the CH-47s.Mar 17, 2008

ShyGirls.JPGStreets of SaigonThese two little girls didn't want their picture taken.Mar 17, 2008

Montezuma.jpgLZ MontezumaAKA Fire Support Base Bronco, under construction. Spring, 1967, near Duc PhoMar 17, 2008

Majestic.jpgStreets of SaigonThe Majestic Hotel, downtown SaigonMar 17, 2008
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