Last additions - Steve Gorecky

SG-13.JPGDamage at LZ IncomingLoss of memory on this day. I do recall faintly that this gun took a recoilless round to the right wheel. I think the Gunner was seriously hurt or killed.May 11, 2012

SG-10.JPGGood Morning, Vietnam!A "cold day in hell" as they say. Caesar is warming a bit of hot chocolate just outside the FDC on LZ Incoming.May 11, 2012

SG-9.JPGSteve & Caesar - FDC guysMe and George "Caesar" Skulzachek, FDC mates. Kept searching for George after Vietnam without success. Finally learned that he passed away.May 11, 2012

SG-8.JPGLZ IncomingOn LZ Incoming just before the shit hit the fan. Lt George in center; Jimmy Loy is at right. The FDC CONEX hole is in on the left.May 11, 2012

SG-11.JPGNothing grows on LZ Incoming?This is a "gook's view" of LZ Incoming from the south. I braved the snipers & mortars to get water from the big bladder that was sitting out about 200ft out of the perimeter. Anyone wonder why there was NOT a stick of vegetation on this firebase? "Orange"-something ring a bell?May 11, 2012

SG-3.JPGDustersThis is a Twin-40 Duster; they sure made a lot of noise at night. It helped keep the "dinks" out of the wire.May 11, 2012

SG-7.JPGRelocation at LZ IncomingGetting settled at LZ Incoming. Lt George is in the center.May 11, 2012

SG-2.JPGFDC CONEXThis is the FDC CONEX & bunker on LZ English. I had been in-country about 2 weeks at this time.May 11, 2012

SG-5.JPGLoading upLoading "A" Btry into C-130s; off to Kontum and a few days later into LZ Incoming.May 11, 2012

SG-6.JPGLoading upJust before we loaded up for our trip to LZ Incoming on the wonderful "Shithooks"! L to R: Pete Beringer, ____, Ed ____, George Skulzachek (nickname "Caesar"), and Lt George in the background. Just before this, our CO told us very undiplomatically that some of us would NOT return. Reason perhaps for the unhappy faces, huh?May 11, 2012

SG-4.JPGPhu Cat AirbaseHere we are at Phu Cat AFB the day we flew into Kontum. I'm in the center; forgotten the name of the FDC guy on my left.May 11, 2012

SG-1.JPGLeaving English behindAfter we left LZ English (Bong Son), we set up for a few days on the edge of a runway where a Caribou or two would land quite close. This was just prior to "A" Btry flying off to Kontum from AFB Phu Cat.May 11, 2012