Last additions - John Waldman

JW-8.jpgA Kodak momentPFC Doug Wigginton and PFC Greg Malnar taking photos at LZ OD near Duc Pho, 1967.Aug 24, 2010

JW-2.JPGHourigan & CoPFC James G. Hourigan & Sp4 Ronald Hammond standing in the gun pit at LZ OD, 1967. Sunshine takes care of the laundry in the background.Aug 24, 2010

JW-5.JPGFt. SandbagArtillerymen know the value of sandbags...throughout the firebase.Aug 24, 2010

JW-3.JPGFDC at LZ OD105mm cannisters lined the path to the sandbagged CONEX that housed the FDC. The sign in th foreground includes the 4th Inf Div Ivy patch, which indicates the "swap" from the 25th Inf Div had just occurred on 1Aug67.Aug 24, 2010

JW-6b.JPGSame shot; different angle of kitchen being erected on LZ OD.Aug 24, 2010

JW-1.JPGTrash SumpView from LZ OD, August, 1967.Aug 24, 2010

JW-4.JPGEnlisted FDC BunkerSeveral items of interest here: the neatly stacked sandbags, the pickaxe, the water cans and wash basin, and canteen cups hanging off the roof. Note there is a DOOR on this bunker! Now that's civilized!Aug 24, 2010
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