Last additions - 35th Reunion - 2010

Ed_Thomas_home.jpgGoing home in styleEd Thomas is ready to mount his "Harley Hog" and head back to Kansas after another great reunion. Have a safe journey, Ed!Aug 20, 2010

bertku.jpgThe Big Moment!The big moment has arrived! Capt Dave Collins attaches the "Bert-ku" award to the recipient. His "buddy" Ed Thomas is about to fall over laughing.Aug 20, 2010

DSC_0023.jpgPhoto courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 15, 2010

DSC_0026.jpgCapt Dave's gang, C-1-35Capt Dave Collins, C-1-35, is seated with this daughter and son-in-law; Miss Rosemary is at far left.
Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 15, 2010

DSC_0022.jpgMore C-1-35Dickie & Linda Dickerson anchored the table at far left. Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 15, 2010

DSC_0024.jpgCacti Saturday Night BanquetSmiles all around.
Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 15, 2010

DSC_0021.jpgC-2-35George Keener, seated at left, with guests and members of C-2-35.
Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 15, 2010

red1-2010.jpgThe RedlegsAttending the 35th Inf Regt reunion from the 2/9th Arty are: (L to R) Mike Kurtgis, Dennis Munden, Tom Roman, Don Keith, John Cashin, Ed Thomas, Dennis Dauphin, Greg Malnar, Gary Dean Springer, Ed Moor, Bert Landau, and Jerry Orr.
Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 13, 2010

red2-2010.jpgRedlegs plus TWOJim Connolly and Joe Henderson missed the first snap, but they got in the 2nd try. Jim stands between Mike Kurtgis and Dennis Munden while "Little Joe" stands in front of Tom Roman. Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 13, 2010

red3-2010.jpgTable ShotSeated at Table 24: Jackie Dauphin, Barb Keith, and Lorraine Knight. Standing are Dennis Dauphin, Greg Malnar, Lisa Kurtgis, Byron Kurtgis, and Mike Kurtgis. Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.Aug 13, 2010

Rad-Pitts.jpgBeautiful Hotel on the hillHotel sits atop a high, picturesque bluff and serves as the home of the 12th Annual 35th Infantry Regiment Reunion. Y'all come on in!Aug 12, 2010

Reunion_Party.jpgFriday Night BashThe members of C-1-35 and the 2/9th have begun a tradition of a "unit party" similar to those held by other line companies.
Hosted by Roy & Linda Hoffman in their magnificent home in Zelinople, PA.Aug 12, 2010
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