Last additions - Max T. Leach

MTL-20.jpgGoodbye, Vietnam!It's all over, pal! Heading to Honolulu, Hawaii to see my wife.
CSMO = close station, march order!Jan 22, 2010

MTL-18.jpgThe endIt was a "happy tour"...especially when you know you are headed home. Two Unknown friends with me.Jan 22, 2010

MTL-17.jpgHappy New Year - 1969Local South Vietnam friends. A New Year's celebration with lots of drinking. All of them wanted to go to America with me.Jan 22, 2010

MTL-15.jpgMalaria EvacCaught malaria - evacuated by helicopter. The chopper had no side doors...I almost fell out!Jan 22, 2010

MTL-14.jpgClear-cuttingClearing the jungle so that we could see "Charlie" better.Jan 22, 2010

MTL-12.jpgLet us prayPraying to God to keep me safe.Jan 22, 2010

MTL-11.jpgNew assignmentReady to join the Infantry from the FDC to the FO/RTO team. Somehow, I don't think I volunteered to do this!Jan 22, 2010

MTL-13.jpgWhere's Waldo?'s hard to find "Charlie" under all this jungle cover.Jan 22, 2010

MTL-8.jpgMy hotel roomWere you expecting a 5-star hotel? Not hardly. Unknown friend. He was just a little taller than I was.Jan 22, 2010

MTL-9.jpgSandbag CityJust making sure that I am well protected in the next firefight.Jan 22, 2010

MTL-7.jpgYes! It was cooler working without a shirt and getting lots of sun for a nice dark tan. Thank you, Vietnam!Jan 22, 2010

MTL-10.jpgPeaceful spotI am not coming out until the mortar shelling stops.Jan 22, 2010