Last additions - Harold Woody

2-9th_Hawaii.jpgOur GuysMost of the men here in this photo preceded us to the 2/9th Arty in Vietnam. 1SG Richard Bates was the "Top Kick".Nov 17, 2009

Guyton_North.jpgCongrats, WardellWardell Guyton is congratulated by Ollie North upon his retirement.Nov 17, 2009

Woody,Tucker,Guyton.jpgMore BuddiesSection Chief Edwin Tucker (center) and Wardell Guyton, right (deceased) pose with Harold Woody.Nov 17, 2009

Les_Cotten___Unk.jpgLes CottenLeslie (Les) Cotten, prior to the Operation Blue Light deployment to Nam. PFC at right is unknown.Nov 17, 2009

Tucker.jpgSection Chief Edwin TuckerModern-day photo of Section Chief Edwin Tucker. Ed attended his very first reunion (35th & 2/9th) in Chicago in 2014. Ed now lives in New York.Nov 17, 2009

Nam_Humor.jpgNam CartoonWe all have our favorite cartoons from Vietnam.Nov 17, 2009

MSG_Stinson.jpg"Big Chief" MSG StinsonThe big chief over all commo was was MSG Stinson. Here is a photo of him...All went over with 2/9 in Dec 65.Nov 17, 2009

James_Hall.jpgIn Memory of James HallPFC James A. Hall, KIA. PFC Hall is listed in the "TAPS" section of the website.Nov 17, 2009

Leach.jpgSp4 William LeachAnother original member of the Blue Light deployment, Sp4 Leach works on the RTT truck.Nov 17, 2009

Les_Cotten.jpgRecon SergeantLeslie (Les) Cotten. Les was Lt Eric (Rick) Shinseki's recon sgt. He was in B Btry and transferred to HQ Btry and was wounded in early 66. He is presently the Sherriff of Navaro County Texas.
Lt Rick Shinseki (FO) went on to be a 4-star general, Chief of Staff, and the VA Secretary before resigning that post.Nov 17, 2009

Medic.jpgSp5 Wayne EngumMedical Section Chief Sp5 Wayne Engum. Wayne deployed with the 25th in December, 1965.Nov 17, 2009

Chestnut.jpgPFC Larry ChestnutAll smiles...PFC Larry Chestnut, Commo Section, 1965 prior to Operation Blue Light.Nov 17, 2009