Last additions - Harold Woody

woody.jpgA younger Woody - bound for Vietnam
Slim, trim, ready for duty...including Nam. Taken at the Motor Pool, Schofield Barracks, Nov, 1964. I was on emergency leave at the time the unit was preparing to ship out and was transfered to HHB Divarty and went to Cu Chi with them.May 13, 2024

Falcons_A_Co_82nd_Avn_Bn.jpgAll the guys in 2nd row were from DivArty units except for the last 2 guys.L-R Emory Saylor (B Btry 2/9), Harold Woody (Hq&Svc Btry 2/9). This is just the armed plat photo, the others Sgt Robert Gibson B Btry, Sgt Elbert Bacon A Btry were on the slicks and I don't have a photo of that platoon. Photo taken while we were TDY on Shotgun 10. Date 28 May 65 at Vung Tau, RVN. The unit we were attached to was A/82 Avn Bn.
Mar 31, 2010

BryonAlexander_Wire_Chief-1965.jpgWire Section Chief - 1965The chief supervises from his relaxed position. Note the old 1960s era fatigues and tags.Jan 22, 2010

Jerry_Chastian.jpgTypical Motor PoolNot sure if Sp4 Jerry Chastian went over on Operation Blue Light or not. Jerry was from Evansville, IN. He is the classic motor pool guy...hat kicked back, cigar, and cuppa coffee. Note the red arrow pointing to the 2/9th Arty emblem used on its assigned vehicles as well as the OD fatigues we wore back in 1965.Nov 25, 2009

SO-93_pg2.jpgWeapons Qualification: M-14 Rifle, page 2Second page of weapons qualification roster.Nov 24, 2009

SO-93_pg1.jpgWeapons Qualification: M-14 RifleA weapons qualification snapshot of the men who went to Nam with the 2/9th Arty.Nov 24, 2009

S0-124.jpgWeapons Qualification: .45 Cal PistolMost of the names listed on this weapons qualification roster went over to Nam with the 2/9th Arty.Nov 24, 2009

Operation_Shotgun.jpgHow it all startedThe familiar "doorgunner" job in Nam began as a top-secret operation in Hawaii named "Operation Shotgun". Here over 350 men were trained to man the M60 machineguns and practiced their skills for months prior to being sent over to Vietnam.Nov 19, 2009

Mershon.jpgOriginal Blue Light memberA modern-day picture of PFC Charles Mershon, a wireman for the Commo Section of the 2/9th Arty and part of Operation Blue Light commencing operations in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.Nov 19, 2009

Shotgun_Deaths.jpgDoorgunner PFC Paul E. RytterThis news clipping captures the men who were KIA as Operation Shotgun graduates from the secret Hawaii training program. Despite the casualties, many men were willing to serve as doorgunners in Nam.Nov 19, 2009

Woody-Guyton.jpgGood BuddyHarold Woody having breakfast with the late Wardell Guyton.Nov 19, 2009

LtCol_InghamBnCo.jpgOur "Forerunners"LtCol Frederick L. Ingham stands before his troops just prior to the "Operation Blue Light" Deployment to Vietnam. Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.Nov 17, 2009