Last additions - J. William Ward

Sp-4_Woodhouse.jpgBest DefenseIn order to make sandbags, you gotta make mud first. Sp4 Woodhouse takes a pickaxe to break up the soil. Note the 2/9th insignia on his field cap.Aug 30, 2009

Sgt_Goodrich_Sp-4_Sternadel.jpgBest DefenseThe best defense is a filled sandbag. Sgt Goodrich holding the shovel and Sp4 Sternadel managing the bag.Aug 30, 2009

Tucker.jpgCommo CheckLooks like the guys are calling each other. The guy on the left is Tucker from Tupelo, MS. He knew Elvis. I'm on the right.Aug 30, 2009

Sp-4_Farley.jpgThat's MeSp4 Farley proves he served with the 2/9th Arty in Vietnam. Here's his photo.Aug 30, 2009

New_LZ.jpgStarting OverFamiliar sight for a 105mm battery of the 2/9th! Starting all over at a new LZ.Aug 30, 2009

Game_On.jpgRecessMonsoon basketball? Using a mud pit as a basketball court has interesting results.
January, 2014 update: That's First Sergeant Clifford J. Pullan under the basket and Robert Kornagay on the ground; Geary Burrows is at upper left.Jul 16, 2009

Elephant3.jpgWhole different cultureAmong the sights and sounds in Vietnam, working elephants rates up there with the cultural differences. Some report that the NVA and the Cong used them to transport weapons and supplies. A four-legged deuce-and-a-half. Jul 16, 2009

Elephant2.jpgWanting to join a convoy?Troops check out a "convoy" of elephants.Jul 16, 2009

elephants.jpgIt's MondayThis elephant seems to be resigned to going to work as a pack animal. We were somewhere around Ban-Me-Thuot when those elephants came walking into our "field of fire". The Infantry stopped them and checked them out. When they were allowed to go , someone came up with the idea
to pop a couple of pro-jos over their heads. When the rounds were fired, instead of running away the elephants turned and ran straight at us. They didn't get too close before the men that were riding them got them under control.
Anybody remember the elephants?Jul 04, 2009

More_Incoming.jpgLook! Over there!Time to get a move on.Jul 04, 2009

FFE.jpgFire Away!Note the left hand of the AG has a firm grip on the lanyard. The next thing you will hear is "boom!". However, Ft Sill DOES NOT approve of anyone "straddling" the trail of a howitzer. Ten demerits.Jul 04, 2009

JWW7.jpgPizza Order?The Top, XO and someone recording. Not likely a pizza order; more like another day at the office.Jun 17, 2009
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