Last additions - Herb Ables

Cheu_Hoi.jpgDaily Log - LZ St. George18-year old drafted by the VC decided to quit his company and toss his weapons & ammo. He became part of the "Cheu Hoi" program...those changing over to the other side.Sep 14, 2010

Ables11.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables9.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables10.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables8.jpgAnother RSOPAh...the heart of the "circular offensive" strategy...move the artillery guys again. Loaded up and ready to go to another firebase.Apr 07, 2009

Ables7.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables5.jpgBest Buddy Mike MedleyOne of his closest friends, Mike Medley, also in the FDC, holds his helmet with his name on it. Mike returned to the States and got a law degree from Ole Miss.Apr 07, 2009

Ables6.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables4.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables3.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables2.jpgApr 07, 2009

Ables1.jpgBan Me ThoutGun Section smoke break! Far left: UNK from Puerto Rico, center is Top (liked cigars, good guy, too), Dewey Ball (middle, bare chest), cannoneer on the right (foot on trail) is Bob Brown.Apr 07, 2009