Last additions - Michael P. Kurtgis

MK217.jpgSet UpThe "Loach" scout serving as bait with the Cobra gunship high above waiting to drop some "shit" on the dinks.Jun 12, 2008

MK216.jpg"Puff" pours it onHe's bringing a world of hurt to Charlie.Jun 12, 2008

MK215.jpgPuffPuff, the Magic Dragon...working several clicks away from Oasis.Jun 12, 2008

MK212.jpgDay & NightFiring days and nights.Jun 12, 2008

MK213.jpgArty FlaresFlares from the 155mm howitzers after we had movement on the wire.Jun 12, 2008

MK211.jpgAdditional DutyI was the Battalion FO for the Firebase Oasis.Jun 12, 2008

MK210.jpgCobraA Cobra on a run.Jun 12, 2008

MK209.jpgCobraIt was as BAD as it looked!Jun 12, 2008

MK208.jpgCobraThe Cobra gunshipJun 12, 2008

MK205.jpgThunder from aboveThe Redleg Artillery was feared by the NVA and Charlie alike.Jun 12, 2008

MK206.jpgThunder from above"Get me in a little lower and a little closer..." Ah, that's close enough.Jun 12, 2008

MK203.jpgThunder from aboveBringing "the world" down on "Charlie".Jun 12, 2008
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