Last additions - Walt Schneidereit

WS-69.JPGFriendsSp4 Dennis Couch and long-tailed friend.Aug 11, 2008

WS-66.JPGThe MedalistSp4 Jerry Genson receives his medal at the 1/35th HQ at LZ Oasis.Aug 11, 2008

WS-67.JPGConvoySp4 Ralph Gibson behind the wheel.Aug 11, 2008

WS-65.JPGCelebrating all of 21 years!PFC Dennis Couch and Sp4 John Durder, Survey Section.Aug 11, 2008

WS-64.JPGIs it edible?Jerry Genson wonders whether it is a pet or the evening's dinner?Aug 11, 2008

WS-63.JPGSo this is PleikuRalph Gibson, Larry Howell and Dennis CouchAug 11, 2008

WS-62.JPGHere it isThis is where all the action takes place.Aug 11, 2008

WS-61.JPGArrival in NamHurry up and wait...even in Nam.Aug 11, 2008

WS-60.JPGArrival in we are! What's next?Aug 11, 2008

WS-58.JPGBoot polishingIf I want to get out of lovely Ft Sill and their AIT program, these things had better shine!Aug 11, 2008

WS-59.JPGAAFESWhere to send your photos.Aug 11, 2008

WS-55.JPGWhere you didn't want to beMe and Mario Colonna (dec) going through BCT.Aug 11, 2008
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