Last additions - Walt Schneidereit

WS-91.JPGC-130The C-130 coming in for a landing at LZ Oasis.Aug 12, 2008

WS-89.JPGASPThe ammunition supply point. At top: Beal & Crebbs; Bottom: Jerry & AdamAug 12, 2008

WS-90.JPGThe C-Ration breakSp4 Dennis Couch looks like he's actually enjoying C-rations. This scene occurring throughout Vietnam.Aug 12, 2008

WS-88.JPG"Smoke 'em if ya got 'em"The smoke break in the field.Aug 12, 2008

OasisAtk.jpgRadio ReportA transcribed radio announcer's brief report on the attack on LZ Oasis.Aug 12, 2008

WS-87.JPGCasino Limo?Unlikely accomodations for "Casino Royale".Aug 11, 2008

WS-86.JPGTaking a SurveyArtillery survey...not for the math-challenged. UNK and Sp5 Wayne Jones. Aug 11, 2008

WS-84.JPGPure WaterIn the background is a water purification plant providing potable water for LZ Oasis and surrounding units.Aug 11, 2008

WS-85.JPGYawning MomentGriffith Crooks and Top Davis' aide, Ron SieberlyAug 11, 2008

WS-82.JPGSears Underwear AdSp4 Dennis Couch and friend Sp4 Al Childers next to LZ Oasis water hole.Aug 11, 2008

WS-83.JPGSwim TimeDennis Couch, Walt and Al Childers at right.Aug 11, 2008

WS-81.JPGHail, Miss America 1969!Ms Judith Ford, chosen as Miss America in 1969 visited our base and stands next to PFC Jerry Genson, henceforth known as the "Lucky Devil". Lucky devil indeed, Ms Ford represented the State of Illinois as a pageant contestant. She took the time to visit the troops in the field in Vietnam.Aug 11, 2008
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