Last additions - Walt Schneidereit

WS-102.JPGAttack On LZ OasisWhat's left of Dennis' cot after the attack.Aug 12, 2008

WS-103.JPGBlowing Off SteamWalt and Jerry engage in a friendly battle. With Jerry handling the shovel, it'd better be friendly!Aug 12, 2008

WS-101.JPGFilling SandbagsAs natural as breathing in fill sandbags.Aug 12, 2008

WS-100.JPGAttack On LZ OasisWalt, Ed Greer and Jerry Genson cleaning up after the attack.Aug 12, 2008

WS-99.JPGAug 12, 2008

WS-98.JPGEnemy StapleA clear photo of the enemy's dangerous 122mm rocket.Aug 12, 2008

WS-97.JPGHooch MaidsRichards posing with some Oasis "hooch maids". Far right is "Suzie".Aug 12, 2008

WS-96.JPGMind GamesSp4 Ed Greer and Sp4 Dennis Couch take each other on in a chess match outside the Ammo Office.Aug 12, 2008

WS-95.JPGSmoke 'emRalph enjoying his pipe.Aug 12, 2008

WS-94.JPGGood Place To BeSp4 Howard Lee standing in front of the chow hall.Aug 12, 2008

WS-93.JPGWeapons QualifyingWe had a firing range at LZ Oasis. The most popular target was the Committee Group.Aug 12, 2008

WS-92.JPGSmith & Wesson?Not quite. Sgt Holt (DivArty) acquires a .50 caliber for Top Davis' bunker. Don't mess with Top.Aug 12, 2008
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