Last additions - Tom Roman

TR6.jpgCompetition?"Bravo" Battery has the honor of being named "Best Firing Battery" for the month of December.Aug 10, 2009

TR7.jpgLZ Ranger IIThe "gang" gets ready to kill a fifth of something. At left, standing, is Lt Don Blankin; Sp5 Jay Flamme next to him. I'm wearing the fancy hat.Aug 10, 2009

TR4.jpg"Yeah, I'm talking to my girl"Date: 22Oct68 Location: 40 mi S of Ban Me Thuot; 5 mi from Cambodia and the NVA. Working hard as always in the "Home Sweet Home" bunker. Notice the definite look of tension from the war. Actually, this is a quiet moment in the FDC shack (CONEX). Aug 10, 2009

TR8.jpgWhat, me work?Date: 30 Dec. Location: LZ Schuyler.
Would you believe work? This hole was dug completely for dirt to fill sandbags. Lots of sandbags. They told me to look for gold to keep me motivated.Aug 10, 2009

Tom_Roman.jpgModern Day TomTom Roman enjoying the 2009 Banquet of the 35th Inf Regt "Cacti" reunion held in Reno, July, 2009.Jul 28, 2009

TR-3.JPGFO & The FDC CrewL to R (back): Calvin T. Garrett (Houston), Lt Charles Stout, PJ Newlin (Coloado), Phil Johnson (Pittsburgh). FR: Jay Flamme,(Colorado-deceased), Sp4 Kelly (New York), and Tom Roman. Sp4 Kelly was the brother-in-law of the famous recording artist Aretha Franklin. She dedicated the song "Mr. Kelly" to him.Apr 24, 2008

TR-2.jpgFDC Crew & VisitorTom Roman, Lt Ed McNew (FO, FDO) and a gun bunny (cannoneer) taking a snooze.Apr 24, 2008

TR-1.jpgCoffee BreakTom Roman: what could be better than hot coffee in a hot FDC CONEX?Apr 24, 2008