Last additions - Tom Roman

TR21.jpgGoodbyeAF fighters depart station after an airstrike.Aug 11, 2009

TR20.jpgAt The ReadyDate: 2Feb68 Location: LZ Ranger
Holding my M16 and my M26 frag grenadeAug 11, 2009

TR17.jpgChow!Date: 7June68 Location: LZ Penny
Devouring C-ration stew.
L to R: Arab - Dog - Dink - Gary - Nauman
Practically everyone was known by a nickname.Aug 11, 2009

TR16.jpgHit & Miss Chart"Doc" Kline visits our FDC CONEX while I explain the map.Aug 11, 2009

TR10.jpgThe Warning OrderThese "I'm Coming Home" warning letters were very popular for all the "short timers".Aug 11, 2009

TR13.jpgSpiritual GuidanceDate: 12March69 Location: LZ Valentine
Catholic Chaplain holding field services.Aug 11, 2009

TR15.jpgFaux CannoneerDate: 30Dec68 Location: LZ Schuyler
I don't really work on the guns, but it made for a good picture. Note the new M102; goodbye M1A101 & the "trails".Aug 11, 2009

TR14.jpgMe & JohnDate: 30Dec68 Location: LZ Schuyler
John Bowdon at left.Aug 11, 2009

TR11.jpgM60 Machine GunDate: 20March69 Location: LZ Valentine
Cleaning the M60. If you want it to work, you had better keep it clean.Aug 11, 2009

TR12.jpgMoving TimeAnother move, another 1,000 sandbags. Think we got a little muddy in the process. Next to me is Joe Goldstein with those ever classic military style glass frames.Aug 11, 2009

TR9.jpgDonut DoggieDate: 20 March Location: LZ Valentine.
Jay Flamme & I with a scout dog at LZ Valentine. Post Note: I learned that Jay was killed in an accidental shooting on the range after returning from RVN, 1969.Aug 10, 2009

TR5.jpgMy Buddy Max LeachMaximo T. Leach and I take a stress break from the FDC of "B" Battery.Aug 10, 2009