Last additions - Dennis Munden

Munden_-_Hobbs.JPGWe Go TogetherWith grateful appreciation my faithful RTO...Raymond Hobbs. Thank you so much for covering my back.
Photo from the historic 2/9th Reunion at Ft Sill, Ok, May-June 2013.Mar 31, 2016

DM38.jpgFighting at LZ LaneCannoneers of "B" Battery, 2/9th, Nov66, battle of LZ Lane.Jan 19, 2014

DM39.jpgFighting at Dragon CraterDebriefing Session on 14Nov66 after the battle of Dragon Crater.
L to R: Platoon Sgt Hatch; UNK; Lt Marve McGraw; Lt Dennis Munden; Major Erhard.Jan 19, 2014

DM35.JPGReturning to Dragon CraterOn left: my RTO, Cpl Robert McGlynn; I am on the right. We were on our way back to Dragon Crater, 21Nov66.Jan 19, 2014

DM36.JPGSgt HatchPlatoon Sgt Hatch, 14Nov66, LZ Lane.Jan 19, 2014

DM37.JPGLt ReveraThis is Lt Revera; photo taken at LZ Lane, 14Nov66.Jan 19, 2014

DM34.JPGCpl Robert McGlynn - RTOThis is Corporal Robert McGlynn who was my regular RTO.Jan 19, 2014

DM33.JPG"A" Company, 1/14th Inf Regt, Sept, 1966Officers & men of "A" Company:
Back Row - Lt Grant, KIA 13Nov66, awarded the Medal of Honor; Lt Herb Walters, 1st Sgt, Lt Jim Bambridge (seriously wounded 13Nov66).
Kneeling - Lt Terry O'Brien, KIA 13Nov66, awarded DSC; Lt Keoin.Jan 19, 2014

DM32.JPGLoyal RTOThis is a picture of Mike Rhoades, my RTO, 13Nov66. Mike was "on loan" because my regular RTO, Cpl Robert McGlynn, was on R&R.Jan 19, 2014

DM28.JPGLZ Lane, 14Nov66Lt Revera, with helmet.Jan 19, 2014

DM27.JPGThis was then....Forward Observer, Lt Dennis Munden. I was a soldier...and young, too.Jan 19, 2014

DM26.JPGFighting at LZ LaneGun crew loading another round at LZ Lane, 14Nov66.Jan 19, 2014
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