Last additions - Bob Becker

BB-69.JPGEvac missionCH-47 lands to load casualties.Aug 21, 2018

BB-70.JPGFingers in earsAt left, plugging ears on the #3 gun is Bob Madison. The others are UNK.Aug 21, 2018

BB-65.JPGParty TimeHolding a bottle of booze after a whiskey run.Aug 19, 2018

BB-64.JPGGetting hooked on cigsA young 'un comes to mooch cigarettes from Bob Becker.Aug 19, 2018

BB-63.JPGKeep your weapons cleanBob takes on key maintenance duties - a clean M-60.Aug 19, 2018

BB-62.JPGWaiting to loadPhil Orville & Bob Becker waiting to load planes to Kontum.Aug 19, 2018

BB-61.JPGAll smilesBob Becker; one proud cannoneer.Aug 19, 2018

BB-56.JPGThe Big 8"Checking out a gun that we never got to shoot.Aug 19, 2018

BB-57.JPGThat's a mortar tubeWe painted a mortar tube on our gun.Aug 19, 2018

BB-58.JPGGun #4Bob Becker with gun #4.Aug 19, 2018

BB-59.JPGBob Becker, Freddie Martinez and UNK.Aug 19, 2018

BB-60.JPGKids with helmetsPhil Orville and Bob Becker with a couple of inquisitive kids.Aug 19, 2018